


From pre-acquisition real e状态 due diligence to services that help prioritize capital expenditures and minimize operating costs, 在整个所有权周期中,Nova是值得信赖的合作伙伴. An environmental assessment is conducted to identify potential environmental conditions related to on-site and 线下活动. 分阶段方法允许客户在最小化成本的同时最大化获得的信息. 物业状况评估 (PCA) are often completed to evaluate the remaining useful life of building systems. 通过这样做, Nova可以帮助客户保留资本支出, 同时延长了关键建筑构件和系统的使用寿命.


Nova field professionals and team leaders have extensive experience conducting and managing 环境地盘评估 (ESA) for private clients, 银行, 以及全国各地的政府机构. Nova employees are trained to conduct or review Phase I investigations in accordance with ASTM E1527-13, 环保署的全面调查(AAI), 房地美(Freddie Mac), 房利美DUS, 以及HUD指导方针或具体的贷款人要求. 项目范围从空地到工业制造, 布朗菲尔德网站, 石油设施, 石油/天然气属性, 电信网站. Nova的员工对设施操作系统有着深刻的理解, 州和联邦法规, 以及化学物质在空气中的命运和运输, 土壤, 地表水, 和地下水.  另外, Nova的员工在特定的专业领域受过培训,可以根据需要进行咨询.




An Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is conducted to identify potential environmental concerns related to on-site and 线下活动. 分阶段方法允许客户在最小化成本的同时最大化获得的信息.


新星从日常研究和现场侦察开始.  Subsequent phases of investigation further define areas of concern and evaluate corrective actions.


  • Review of topographic/geological/hydrogeologic 信息 pertaining to the site and surrounding area

  • 检讨地盘的历史土地使用活动

  • 审查监管信息

  • 现场侦察

  • 周边物性观察

This 信息 is then compiled into a report that summarizes the findings and outlines recommendations with regard to items of environmental interest or concern.


许多客户需要专门定制的工作范围来满足他们的需求. Nova staff is familiar with the specific requirements of ASTM E1527-13 Phase I Environmental Assessment, 房利美和房地美, 瑞丰乐投letou投资信托基金, 美国住房与城市发展部, 以及其他贷款人的特定要求.

  • 含铅油漆

  • 石棉

  • 保护历史古迹

  • 泛滥平原管理

  • 湿地保护

  • 濒危物种

  • 噪声分析

  • 爆炸性/可燃性危险/危险工业操作

  • 唯一水源含水层

  • 机场禁区

  • 额外的危险和滋扰(盖、管道等.)

  • 野生和风景优美的河流/独特的自然景观

  • 环境正义

  • 土壤稳定性、侵蚀和排水

  • 分区

  • 供水/卫生污水渠及固体废物处理

  • 学校/公园/社会服务

  • 紧急医疗保健、消防和警察服务

  • 商业/零售和运输

  • 水质/清洁水法

  • 蒸气入侵



电子邮件 | 201-391-0520



Upon identifying environmental concerns related to on-site and 线下活动 at a given property, Nova will often recommend a subsurface investigation to further evaluate the effect of identified environmental concerns to subsurface 土壤, 土壤蒸气, 和/或地下水以及由此产生的对人类健康或环境的任何风险.  All investigations are implemented in accordance with applicable 当地的 regulatory requirements.


Nova的技术人员包括现场人员, 项目经理, and Professional Geologists and Engineers with extensive experience in performing real e状态 due diligence and site redevelopment investigations.

This 信息 is then compiled into a report that summarizes the findings and outlines recommendations with regard to items of environmental interest or concern.




健康和安全一直是人们关心的问题, so Nova prepares a Site 健康与安全 Plan (SHSP) prior to conducting a subsurface investigation. The SHSP identifies health and safety risks and sets up in advance any emergency procedures and response protocols that may be necessary.


瑞丰乐投letou官网, GBC (NG钻井), 是否提供了地下土壤, 土壤蒸气, 并在500多个项目地点为客户提供地下水采样服务, 采用液压直推式探测/钻井应用. Nova employs the use of a track-mounted 6620 Geoprobe® and a truck-mounted 5400 Geoprobe® utilizing Macro-Core, 双管, 以及螺旋钻技术. 诺瓦的设备用于土壤和地下水采样, 地下水监测井装置, 汽点安装和取样, 底板永久汽点装置, 飞行员测试. Nova的履带式装置提供了独特的功能, including specialized maneuverability in areas with limited access or available space where conventional equipment would not be able to operate.

  • 地下钻井/探测

  • 土壤、土壤蒸气和地下水取样

  • 地下水监测井装置

  • 地下水模拟

  • 补救的调查

  • 法规遵从性报告


马克·佩里|环境评估 & 修复组

电子邮件 | 612-275-1997



Nova provides Property Condition Assessment services to numerous mortgage and construction lenders across the country. 许多项目涉及房利美、房地美、住房和城市发展部以及评级机构的指导方针.  为多户住宅提供服务, 商业, 热情好客, 新建筑, 工业设施.


物业状况评估通常需要作为购买前的一部分, owner-commissioned, 或者再融资交易. Nova services include a site visit to evaluate the general condition and maintenance history of the property and to assess the overall design and construction of structures.  审查所有可用的现场项目和施工文件, 以及对物业经理的采访, 租户, 地方官员也被指挥.

Nova’s Property Condition Report offers a narrative on the condition and adequacy of all site and building improvements and includes forms and 信息, 包括延期维修项目, 估计即时和年度替代储备, 并对建筑的符合性进行评价, 艾达, 未完成工作, 及符合房屋管理局的规定.


第三方审核报告, 储备表, and other property evaluations are conducted to inform clients of existing reports’ completeness and compliance with ASTM and lender standards. 找出不足之处,并提供建议的解决方案.



电子邮件 | 201-391-0520


在收购前进行尽职调查时, Nova意识到,买家的风险承受能力可能会有所不同. Its Equity Markets Group provides expanded due diligence services beyond that provided by the ASTM’s baseline standard. 在股票市场集团内部, 客户会找到经验丰富的建筑师, 工程师, 认证屋顶和建筑围护结构专业人士, 还有建筑专家,他们可以对建筑结构进行更广泛的评估, 封闭的系统, 内部操作, 生命安全系统. Nova can assemble an assessment team to meet client expectations and to provide property 信息 sufficient to better understand acquisition risk. Nova reports are well documented with photographs and include Opinions of Probable Costs to remedy physical deficiencies observed and to aid in assignment of capital allocations during ownership.


  • 扩大股权水平财产状况评估和报告

  • 卖方披露财产状况评估报告

  • 结构状况评估

  • 地震风险评估

  • 建筑围护结构(屋顶及外墙)评估

  • 停车场评估

  • 法医分析和补救设计

  • 屋顶更换设计

  • 立面咨询,设计和施工监督

  • BOMA面积测量

  • 艾达合规性审计



电子邮件 | 614-704-8766



The Agency 服务 Small Loan Division within Nova conducts on-site inspections to evaluate the general condition and structural elements of the Property buildings. 还进行文件审查,以审查计划的资本支出. Nova’s Physical Risk Report (PRR) for Small Balance Loans (SBLs) and Streamlined Physical Condition Assessment for Small Mortgage Loans (SMLs) complies with the associated 房地美(Freddie Mac) or Fannie Mae Guidelines and offers a narrative on the condition and adequacy of the site and building improvements, 包括所需的表格和
信息. Nova的环境屏幕也符合房地美或房利美准则. The Transaction Screens are conducted to identify Potential Environmental Concerns (PECs) for on-site activities, 线下活动, 遵守联邦法规, 状态, 以及当地机构.


Nova的团队成员拥有丰富的执行和管理高质量的经验, 彻底的, 及时报告. Our staff includes Registered Architects, Professional Engineers, and Construction Specialists. Nova’s Physical Assessment employees have a robust understanding of facility operating systems, MEP系统, 建筑完成, 结构系统, 生命安全系统, 和艾达无障碍遵守. Nova的ESA员工接受过设备操作系统方面的培训, 联邦, 当地的, 以及州监管要求, 以及通过空气运输化学物质, 土壤, 土壤蒸气, 地表水, 和地下水. 另外, 如有需要,诺瓦可咨询全国各地的工作人员, 谁是各自领域的专家和领导者.


  • 房地美小额余额贷款(SBL)实物风险报告(表格1104)

  • 房地美, 可靠的, 容易决定(FRED)物理风险报告(表格1108),附有环境屏幕加氡

  • Fannie Mae Streamlined Physical Condition Assessment and Environmental Screen for Small Mortgage Loan Program




Nova has created a 房地美(Freddie Mac) compliant Small Balance Loan Physical Risk and Transaction Screen Report that summarizes the physical risk items identified in Form 1104. 该报告评估诸如延迟维护之类的项目, 关键和优先维修, 操作维修, 以及抵押贷款期限内的资金需求, 一切都在一个简洁的总结. 除了, the Potential Environmental Concerns (PECs) identified in the Transaction Screen and the overall condition of the Property which establishes the required replacement reserve are described within the summary. 该报告使客户能够快速了解表格1104的结果.



电子邮件 | 214-236-9981




